Prof. Abwoli Yabezi Banana (PhD (ANU); Msc Wood science and Technology Univ. Of California-Berkeley); Bsc. Forestry (Mak))

Department of Forestry, Biodiversity and Tourism

School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences

Professor of Wood Science


Prof. Abwoli Y. Banana is a Ugandan Wood scientist. He is a Professor of Forestry committed to teaching courses in Wood science and Technology and research in Forest products, Forest governance and Policy) in Uganda. He has a PhD from the Australian National University in Canberra,  Msc in Wood science and Technology from the University of California at Berkeley, and Bsc. Degree in Forestry from Makerere University.

Although with a background in Wood Science and Technology, Prof. Banana has more than four decades of experience in teaching and forestry research in Community Forestry. In the last three decades, he has worked closely with scientists at Indiana University at Bloomington in the fields of community forestry, forest governance and forest tenure and with scientists from the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) on strengthening women participation in forestry.



Tel: 256-772-421-370
