The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) presented the best student in the Sciences during the second session of the 72 graduation ceremony held on 24th May 2022. Mr. Nuwagira Albert scored a CGPA of 4.82 in the Bachelor of Food Science and Technology. In recognition of his excellent Performance, the Chancellor, Prof. Ezra Suruma presented to him the University Convocation Award which includes a cash prize of UGX1 million.

Mr. Nuwagira Albert the best BSc student in the 72nd Graduation Ceremony of Makerere University

CAES graduation statistics

Overall, CAES Management led by the Principal, Prof. Gorettie N. Nabanoga presented 650 graduands. Of these, 17 graduated with PhDs, 104 (38 female, 66 male) with Masters, 7 (2 female, 5 male) with a Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Impact Assessment, and 522 (193 female, 329 male) with Bachelor’s degrees.  A total of 18 students (8 female, 10 male) attained first class degrees.  The PhD graduates include; Aben Charles, Alexander Noah Ruley Jane, Alfonse Leonard, Alio Deborah, Kalanzi Fred, Kalule Wamala Stephen, Kyallo Martina, Loga Dorcas Elizabeth, Mawa Christopher, Mukhongo Wilhem Ruth, Mulinde Catherine, Nakitto Aisha Musaazi Sebunya, Ndaula Sulaiman, Obua Tonny, Ochieng Hannington, and Syofuna Agatha.

The Principal, Prof. Gorettie N. Nabanoga presents CAES PhD graduands at the second session of the 72nd graduation ceremony held on 24th May 2022

General graduation statistics

During 72nd graduation ceremony that started on Monday, 23rd May and will end on Friday, 27th May 2022, a total of 12,474 graduands will receive degrees and diplomas of Makerere University. Of these, 100 will graduate with PhDs, 1,236 with Masters degrees, 10,998 with Bachelor’s degrees and 140 with undergraduate and postgraduate diplomas. 52 % of the graduands are female and 48 % are male. Forty of the 100 PhD graduands and 492 of the 1,236 Masters graduands are female, representing 40% in each category.

Dr Tonny Obua, one of the PhD graduates from CAES receiving his doctorate from the Chancellor

Remarks by the Chancellor

Delivering his speech, the Chancellor of Makerere University, Prof Ezra Suruma, congratulated the graduands and urged them to always honour and support those who have helped them in their education journey. “It is the support of your families, friends and communities through many years that has brought you this far. It is my humble prayer that as you move to the next stage of your life you will copy their example of love. I pray that you will be active citizens, compassionate neighbours who seek to improve your communities, nation and the entire world. Initially, your focus is finding a job which is only appropriate – however don’t lose sight of making impact on those that you meet wherever you go.”

Dr Catherine Mulinde

Commenting on the significance of agriculture, the Chancellor urged the graduands to use the knowledge and skills attained to transform the sector. “Agriculture remains the major employer of our population, we therefore look to you for improved production, productivity, and the sustainable use and protection of the environment,” he noted, indicating that agriculture had been identified as the number one pillar in the Parish Development Model.

MSc. Graduands

Emphasizing the importance of the Parish Development Model, the Chancellor said it would facilitate the establishment of better institutions that can systematically transform parishes. “Through the initiative, we shall be able to set up cooperatives that can help farmers to access genuine agricultural inputs, assist in drying, sorting, storing and marketing agricultural products properly so that they can meet national, regional and international food standards.”

BSc Graduands

Remarks by the Vice Chancellor

In his graduation message, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe urged the graduands to put to good use the knowledge and skills acquired in a bid to transform their communities, the country and humanity in general.

Speaking on the celebrations to mark 100 years of Makerere University, the Vice Chancellor invited the graduands, their parents and guardians to participate in the activities. Celebrations to mark 100 years of Makerere commenced on 9th October 2021 with the official launch of the Mak@100 logo by the President of the Republic of Uganda, H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Tibuhaburwa Museveni. The year-long activities include public lectures, seminars, conferences, and exhibitions showcasing the history of the University and achievements registered over the years.

Sharing developments in research and innovation, the Vice Chancellor appreciated the Government of Uganda for the allocation of UGX30 billion annually to support high impact research at the University.

“Despite the COVID19 disruptions, Makerere continued on a steady course of transforming into a research-led University in line with our Strategic Plan of 2020-2030. Through the government-supported Research and Innovations Fund of

Makerere (Mak-RIF), total of 700 research grants have so far been allocated and more than 500 innovations registered, many of them with potential for commercialization. Together with grants won by individuals and groups of researchers, as well as institutional development funds from development partners, Makerere now has the biggest research budget at any University in Africa. We should now aim at transforming these innovations into marketable goods and services to transform our economy.” The Vice Chancellor further noted that Makerere was supporting several Universities in Africa to develop their research capacity.

The Deputy Principal, Prof. Yazidhi Bamutaze presenting Masters graduands.

Additionally, the Vice Chancellor appreciated the Government of Uganda for the support extended towards infrastructure development at the University. “Last week the First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports came to Makerere to commission some buildings and lay foundation stones for others, including the reconstruction of our iconic Main Administration Building, for which Government has already availed all the UGX 21 billion required. The new building for the School of Dentistry has enabled us to equip the biggest dental hospital in East Africa. The Central Teaching Facilities have greatly alleviated the shortage of teaching and office space, and the new building for the School of Law will enhance research and graduate training in the discipline of Law. All these projects will cost the Government more than UGX 60 billion. We thank you very much.”

Commenting on the Parish Development Model, the Vice Chancellor applauded Prof. Ezra Suruma for the great initiative and pledged University support in ensuring it succeeds. The Parish Development Model, a Government strategy for organizing and delivering public and private sector interventions for wealth creation and employment generation at the parish level as the lowest economic planning unit is a brainchild of Prof. Suruma.

In his final remarks the Vice Chancellor implored the graduands to be proud of their Alma Mater and be her good ambassadors.


The Vice Chancellor explained that transcripts for graduands on four to five-year programmes were ready and can be picked starting Monday, 30th May 2022. Transcripts for graduands on three-year programmes will be ready by the second week of June 2022. The Masters certificates are ready and can be picked upon graduation.

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