Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute Kabanyolo (MUARIK)
MUARIK is a public institution and an arm of Makerere University that interfaces with the National Agricultural research system (NARS). Seated on 650 hectares of land it is being managed as a multi-disciplinary facility for training, research, outreach and production under the CAES. It is located 19 kilometers North-West of Kampala off Gayaza Township on the Kampala-Zirobwe Road. The institute houses the center for Continuing Agricultural Education Centre (CAEC), the postgraduate students’ hostel and facilities for over 30 graduate students under the regional programs. The Tissue Culture, Animal Science laboratory, MaRCCI, and the Biotechnology laboratories are also located at MUARIK. Other facilities at MUARIK include CURAD, staff residences, poultry, dairy, and piggery units among others.

In collaboration with national institutions, the institute provides consultancy services to
the government and other organizations in Uganda. Consultancy services include tailor made
training in different fields of environment and natural resources, assessment and monitoring of environment and natural resources therein environmental impact assessments and audits, project monitoring and evaluation and facilitation.
The Makerere University Biological Field Station (MUBFS)
MUBFS is located in Kibale National Park in Kibale district. It is mainly involved in research but
it is increasingly hosting short international courses in Tropical Biology. Originally, most of the
research at MUBFS was primatology but over the years, the research agenda has broadened to
include ecological and behavioral research on taxonomy, and socio economic studies. There is
adequate dormitory and guest house space for groups ranging between 10 and 60 and catering