The college has over 14 centers serving as a base for knowledge transfer and partnerships. These
are complemented by facilities located at Nyabyeya Forest College and Budongo Conservation
Field Station that cater for Forestry students
Centre Name | Focus Area (s) / Objectives | Target Group | Partners |
The Food Technology and Business Incubation Centre (FTBIC) | • Conduct research in agro-processing and value addition, • Train students, staff and the general community in entrepreneurship, • Nurture research ideas into Business enterprises and commercial products, • Carry out skills training (short courses) using the installed equipment for potential entrepreneurs in food value addition. | Staff, students, entrepreneurs and general community | Makerere University, GoU, Private companies and entrepreneurs |
Makerere University Regional Centre for Crop Improvement (MaRCCI) | Expand, strengthen and transform the PhD Plant Breeding program following the pattern of the highly successful MSc in Plant Breeding and Seed Systems. Provide the nations of Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) with industry-ready plant breeders who are equipped to use cutting edge science to develop and deliver new varieties of food crops. | Universities and nations of Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) | The world Bank Iowa State University (USA), North Caroline State University (USA), Regional Universities (Universities of Zambia and Juba); Rwanda Agricultural Board (RAB) National Agricultural Research Institute in DR-Congo (INERA), National Agricultural Research Organization in Uganda (NaCRRI & NaSARRI, and others) The World Vegetable Center –Arusha Tanzania (AVRDC) NASECO (Uganda) and Seed Co. in (Zimbabwe) |
Makerere University Centre of Excellence in Waste Management | To become a centre of innovative research and technology development utilizing bio waste (agricultural/ organic wastes) in enhancing sustainable agricultural production and a healthy environment, Optimize and promote compositing of biodegradable waste for improved agricultural production, Develop livestock feed protocols based on market crop waste, Develop bio gas technologies for use by small scale households, Offer training, knowledge sharing and advisory services in waste management and create linkages with the private sector in technology development, Promote the adoption and diffusion of viable waste utilization technologies and products, Promote regional and international research collaborations and linkages and create community awareness and training through linkages | Farmers, universities, Researchers and research institutions | Sida, the African Union (AU) European Union (EU),Government of Uganda through Bank of Uganda and Makerere University |
Makerere University Center for Climate Change Research and Innovations (MUCCRI) | Promote awareness on climate change, Conduct research on climate change science, climate change mitigation and adaptation in all sectors and disseminate the generated information. Generate and disseminate innovations for climate for climate change mitigation and adaptation in agricultural sciences and natural resources sectors, Advocate and influence climate change and development policy to enable Uganda address climate change challenges. | Universities and nations of Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) | Rockefeller Foundation, regional universities and governments |
Makerere University Center for Soybean Improvement and Development (MAKCSID) | To serve as a focal node for training in Plant Breeding, Seed systems and Biotechnology for the region, Develop and release superior Soybean varieties for Uganda and the East and Central Africa region Provides all breeder’s and foundation seed for soybean developed and released by the Center. Conduct outreach activities like training of farmer groups, seed multipliers and seed companies in soybean agronomy and seed production techniques. | University students (undergraduate and postgraduate, researchers, government agencies, non governmental organizations, seed companies, farmers. | NARO, VODP, Soybean Africa Limited, World Vision, Sasakawa Global 2000, VEDCO, Masindi Seed. |
The National Biodiversity Data Bank (NBDB) – Uganda | Avail data and information regarding the country’s biodiversity to aid in research, conservation and informing the decision making process, Act as a central repository for biodiversity information within Uganda, Monitor the national biological resources, Provide consultancy services to the government and other organizations in Uganda in different fields of environment and natural resources, assessment and monitoring of environment and natural resources. | Conservationists, researchers and policy makers scientists, government agencies, land managers and others interested in the conservation and sustainable utilization of these resources | Conservationists, researchers and policy makers scientists, government agencies, land managers and others interested in the conservation and sustainable utilization of these resources |
Uganda Forestry Resources and Institutions Center (UFRIC), Makerere University | Promote sustainable management of global commons including forests. Address global challenging questions such as the impact of institutions on forest sustainability, Collect forest inventory and socioeconomic data from several parts of the globe through its Collaborating Research Centers (CRCs). Monitor forest resources and institutions. | Farmers, policy makers, students, Universities. | International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) Research Program. Indiana University Bloomington. Makerere University, GoU. |
Continuing Agricultural Education Centre (CAEC) | Operate outreach programs for various stakeholders, Host refresher and specialized short courses to meet the demands as they arise in agricultural and environment. | Farmers, policy makers, students etc). | Mak, GoU, Researchers and research institutions. |
A consortium for Enhancing University Responsiveness to Agribusiness Development (CURAD) | Promote entrepreneurship by students and graduates of Makerere University in business incubation especially those working with agribusiness or farming. | Students and graduates of Makerere University | Mak -CAES, NARO and NUCAFFE |
The Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory: The Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory was initiated in 1992 by several departments of Makerere University after realizing that the training facility in remote sensing and GIS techniques for applications in fields of natural resource surveys and management was becoming essential. The laboratory has over 30 personal computers connected to a local area network.
The Molecular Biology Laboratory is a teaching and research facility that was established under the auspices of DANIDA ENRECA (Enhancement of Research Capacity) with the aim of training African scientists and generating scientific information necessary for conservation of Africa’s Wildlife resources. It utilizes genetic information in biological macromolecules (proteins, DNA, RNA) to address numerous questions and has a potential for application in a wide range of biological fields such as molecular medicine, agricultural and livestock improvement and wild life genetics. It is capable of handling most molecular biology problems ranging from DNA and RNA extraction through to sequencing, genotyping selected genes and gene cloning. Initially, research in the laboratory was focused on documenting amount distribution of genetic diversity in Africa’s large mammals but has now expanded to include genetics major wildlife and livestock, pathogens, microbial and plant genetics.
The Water and wetlands research Laboratory carries out assessment and monitoring of water and wetlands resources with emphasis on wise use of these resources and pollution control. It is equipped for water quality and plant analysis. It involves national and regional projects like L. Victoria Environmental project (LVEMP) and the East African Regional program and Research Network for Biotechnology, Bio safety and Biotechnology Policy Development (BIO-EARN). In
addition, the laboratory is connected to a Local Area Network.
Other centers in the college include:
- Centre for Mountain Resources and Disaster Management
- Rangeland Resources Centre
- Agricultural Policy Analysis Centre