Event Detail
- Start Date 05/29/2024
- Start Time 09:00 AM
- End Date 05/29/2024
- End Time 05:00 PM
- Location College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, SAS Conference Room and Zoom, Makerere University
The Dean School of Agricultural Sciences, CAES, invites the public to the PhD public defense for the following candidates:
Candidate 1: Mr. Espoir Bagula Mukengere (PhD in Agriculture)
Thesis title: Water Use Efficiency under Selected Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Climate Change Scenarios in Ruzizi Plain, Eastern DRC
Date, time and venue: Tuesday, 28 May 2024, 9:00 am, SAS Conference Room & Zoom
1. Prof. Majaliwa Mwanjalolo; RUFORUM
2. Prof. Twaha Ali Basamba; College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Mak
3. Dr. Patrick Musinguzi; College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Mak
Candidate 2: Mr. Habtemariam Assefa
Thesis title: “Adaptive Capacity to Climatic Risks by Smallholder Livestock Farmers in North Wollo Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia”
Date, time and venue: Wednesday, 29 May 2024, 9:00 am, SAS Conference Room & Zoom
1. Prof. Paul Kibwika; College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Mak
2. Dr. Florence Kyazze; College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Mak