One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals is to attain zero hunger by 2030, but whether most of African countries are on track towards this ideal is questionable1 , While the continent is projected to be the most populous one by the year 2100, a critical mass of its population is already food-insecure2 , a
situation that is being exacerbated by climate change and environmental degradations.
Objectives of this call
This call for applications is open to citizens of Uganda and Tanzania to fill four PhD positions: two in Plant Sciences and two in Food Systems. All four PhD candidates will register at Makerere University and will be supervised by a panel of scientists from MaRCCI, Department of Agricultural Production (DAP), Department of Plant Sciences, Microbiology and Biotechnology (PMB), and Department of Agribusiness & Natural Resource Economics (DANRE), The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT (ABC) and the World Vegetable Center (World Veg). Decisions about
supervisory arrangements will be made based on research proposals of successful applicants.
Scholarship: Financial Support and Duration
The scholarship includes subsistence allowances, contribution to research costs, insurance cost, contribution to conference attendance cost and cost related to the participation in BOLDER-organized training relevant to the various PhD topics. The PhD candidate will also benefit from a three-month mobility (once) to conduct parts of his/her research at NBMU.
a) The PhD duration is 48 months.
b) PhD students will receive a monthly stipend of $600 for Ugandans and $700 for
Tanzania Nationals (when in Uganda) and 1,500 Euros when in Norway. This amount includes settling allowance.
c) Additional benefits are available on a case-by-case basis.
Applicants should meet the following criteria at the time of their scholarship application:
a) be a citizen of Uganda or Tanzania.
b) be proficient in written and spoken English.
c) not be currently enrolled or have a running scholarship in another PhD program. For Plant Science Students:
d) hold a MSc degree in agronomy, plant breeding, genetics, biotechnology, crop protection or another relevant discipline.
e) demonstrate knowledge of or prior experience with tricot methodology and genomics research.
For Food Systems Students:
f) hold a MSc degree in Agricultural and Applied economics, Agribusiness, Agricultural economics, or another relevant discipline.
g) demonstrate experience of prior research on value chains, consumer behavior, or political economy of food systems. Applicants who have working experience on the listed NUS crops will have an added
The Scholarship application file is to be submitted as PDF attachment by the deadline to the emails indicated in section, and should include the following:
a) Cover or motivation letter.
b) Student research concept note that clearly indicates the topic to which the candidate applies (3 pages maximum.
c) National ID or Copy of Passport Bio Data page.
d) Certificate of previous degree(s) /or a Proof that the degree(s) has been completed;
e) All transcripts/academic records.
f) A support letter from home Higher Education Institution (from the MSc supervisor);
g) Two recommendation letters.
h) Curriculum Vitae.
i) Any other supporting documents (e.g., first page of publications).
Applications should be submitted to Ms. Candia Alice onme-mail cndlc95@gmail.com and copy in Dr. Ozimati Alfred Adebo: ozimatialfred@gmail.com
and Dr. Dramadri Isaac Onziga on zigaisaac@gmail.com not later than December 20th, 2024.
All applications received will be acknowledged, however only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and invited for an interview.
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