a) In line with the attached Schedule, the Search Committee cordially invites you to the Public Presentation by candidates vying for the position of Principal and Deputy Principal in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) scheduled to take place on Friday 10th December 2021 from 8:30am to 1:00pm.

b) You are kindly requested to register in advance to participate in the CAES Public Presentation.

The Zoom Registration link for CAES Public Presentation is as follows:
When: Dec 10, 2021 08:30 AM Nairobi
Topic: CAES Public Presentation
Link:  https://cutt.ly/1YWlHnm

VENUE: Makerere University, School of Agricultural Sciences, Lower Lecture Theatre (Strict adherence to COVID-19 guidelines by participants who will be physically present).

TIME MANAGEMENT: The physical participants should be seated in the Venue by 8:00am and must adhere to COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures including wearing the face masks throughout the Public Presentation.

PHONE ETIQUETTE:  All phones (for those physically present) should be in the Silent Mode.

INVITATION FOR PUBLIC PRESENTATION Search for Principals and Deputy Principals

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