The Department of Agricultural Production at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), MakerereUniversity in partnership with the University of Pretoria invites you to participate in the above-mentioned workshop that will be held physically at Golf Course Hotel Kampala and via zoom (see link below) on 8th and 9th November 2021.

The Future Africa’s Early Career Research Leader Fellowship (ECRLF) is a programme offered by the University of Pretoria, supported by Carnegie Foundation. It offers opportunity for development of research leaders who will be able to fill gaps in the African research capacity ecosystem. As part of the activities embedded in this programme, the Department has organized a two-dayworkshop themed: Impact of Pathogens on Agricultural Production. Participants from the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, academia, private sector, and research institutions are expected to attend.

Conference ConvenerDr Nicholas Kagimu, MakerereUniversity

Keynote SpeakerMr Paul Mwambu, Commissioner Crop Inspection and Certification, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF)

Conference presentations;

Forest pest surveillance to protect Africa’s forest resource
Chemical defenses of forest trees to fungal infection and the consequences of these defenses on insect herbivory
Bioprospecting of the Natural Products from Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus bacteria and their application in agriculture
Status of nematology research in Uganda
What Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), University of Pretoria can offer in collaboration with research and industry in Uganda
Past, present & future of Entomological research in Uganda
Bio-control agents in pest management in Uganda’s forest systems
Bio-prospected products from insects (pharmaceutical, nutritional, cosmetics etc)
An overview of Entomopathogenic nematodes- EPN(insect-killing-worms) in Africa/ICIPE perspective
Status of liquid culture development for commercialization of entomopathogens in South Africa
Entomopathogenic fungi for insect crop management
Endophytes research and bio-pesticides use
Tsetse fly vector: effects distribution and control in Uganda
Tick epidemic and vaccine development
Helminths and helminths control in small ruminants
Veterinary drug use and resistance
Chemical control of internal and external parasites in livestock

Zoom link for online attendance

To participate, please click on the link below;

Meeting ID: 829 7357 0130

Passcode: 555555

Your participation will highly be appreciated.

Workshop Programme-04112021

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