Suzan Nafisa Isaac

Suzan Nafisa Isaac

Nafisa is a students at Makerere University pursuing a Master’s programme in Gender and Women Studies

Suzan Nafisa Isaac is from South Sudan. She holds Bachelor of Arts in Communications, and an Associate of Arts Degree in General Studies from Southern New Hampshire University-New Hampshire-USA through Kepler Kigali University Program-Rwanda.

Before joining Makerere University for her Master’s program, she been working at the University of Juba as an assistant administrator (website content editor and a documentary) in the Office of the Vice Chancellor, University of Juba. She also volunteered at New Page for Peace and Development, School of ICT as an Assistant Tutor where she got engaged with youths as well as the community.

With this great opportunity given to her through the Norhed ii Energy Transition Project, she looks forward to engaging gender in the inclusive energy transition process in her country South Sudan as in most cases women are always left out.