About Us

Capacity Building For Socially Just And Sustainable Energy Transitions (SET Project)

The East African region has embraced the global drive to transition to low carbon economies and clean energy. However, a key challenge is the persistent lack of knowledge, capacity and skilled personnel to support the transition.

The project addresses the following NORHED thematic areas: (1) Humanities and Social Sciences, (2) Energy, and (3) Climate Change and Natural Resources.

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Cross-Cutting Research
Project Interventions

  • state-of-the-art research
  • research-based education
  • institutional capacity-building
  • Factory
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Research Themes addressed by SET Project

SET Project: Thematic Areas

In order to ensure state-of-the-art research, research-based education, institutional capacity-building and dissemination, the project interventions will be informed by four cross-cutting research themes
Geographies of energy transition in East Africa
Stranded assets and green growth in East Africa: Role for state and non-state actors
Inclusive engagement in energy transitions: Gender, participation and justice
Energy infrastructure, environmental impacts and changing social practices

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