Patrick Kayima

Patrick Kayima

Patrick is a graduate student at Makerere University pursuing a Master of Geographical Sciences programme. He is a geography teacher and a prospective researcher in the field of human geography. He holds a Bachelor of Arts with Education (Geography major) (Mak) and was a leader of the Makerere University Geography Society (MUGS) during the time.

His bachelor’s degree gave him a strong foundation in geographic knowledge making him passionate about sustainable energy, environmental education, and Geographic Information Technology with a focus on spatial analytics.

Since 2019, he has worked on a number of projects as a research assistant relevant to the elements of Urban migration and livelihoods, environmental migration, and climate change adaptation and mitigation; Urban sanitation, water, energy, and transport services; youth and governance which has built his skills in the field of research.

He is currently undertaking a Masters of Geographical Sciences (Mak) with his research interest mainly on solar energy electrification and its implications on people’s livelihood on islands.