Prof Amengovu Kiri Andrew /Researcher, UoJ

Prof Amengovu Kiri Andrew /Researcher, UoJ

Andrew is a food technology graduate from Gezira University, Sudan. He holds an MSc Food Science, Makerere, Uganda, MBA marketing Uganda Martyrs University, MPH community health, International Health Science University,Uganda, and Msc. in Quality assurance at University of Wageningen in Neitherlands, certificate in marketing in food processing enterprises from the Netherlands, certificate in consumer oriented innovation of food production systems from the Netherlands and certificate in ISO systems, a PhD in Nutrition and Dietetics from Kenyatta University Nairobi, Kenya. He also has a post doctorate in Human Nutrition from Atlantic international University USA. He is a researcher with several publications in peer reviewed journal in the field of nutrition and food safety. He is also the executive director of a national NGO which implements Nutrition programs for the UNWFP/UNICEF in karamoja region in Uganda focusing on children under five years of age and pregnant and lactating mothers. Our NGO implements ECD programs and construct baby friendly corners.   He is an Associate professor at Juba University in South Sudan and head the Dept. of Food Science & Technology.