Dr. Angelina Bazugba,/Gender Focal Person, UoJ

Dr. Angelina Bazugba,/Gender Focal Person, UoJ

Dr. Angelina is a gender practitioner, academia and researcher with over 25 years working experience in Africa and beyond the region. She offers a unique blend of executive acumen capable of crafting strategic vision to provide innovative solutions in various contexts. Her works in academia and human rights organizations have contributed enormously in advocating for enactment of gender responsive policies and programmes that include Transformational Leadership, Conflict Management and Peace Building; Economic Empowerment; Trauma Healing and Psychosocial Support to survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence. As a socio-policy and governance specialist, she has continued to provide technical expertise during peace discussion and nurture the coalition of women for peace and development in an effort to engender the Peace agreement in South Sudan. She is one of the architects of the eleven-point agenda – a multi-donors project for recovery and resilience programme in WES- South Sudan. As one of the Professors in the School of Social and Economic Studies, she contributed in the design of the curriculum for Political Science and International Relations as well as Transformational Leadership which serve as an outreach arm of the University. She is also teaching and supervising Masters students in research; and as the First and founding Director of the National Transformational Leadership Institute (NTLI) at the University of Juba, she is presently involved in designing and conducting adult learning and outreach programmes targeting existing and aspiring women and men leaders from the executive to grassroots levels.

Her scholarly work on the politics of gender quotas in South Sudan, has contributed significantly in uncovering the shape of gender bias and power dimensions in institutions of political recruitment. She is currently working towards publishing a book on ‘politics of gender quotas’ to inform academia, activists and political parties. She is also working with Lund University- Sweden and Global Academy for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Right (SRHR) network in research and scientific studies on Sexual and Gender Based Violence.

Dr. Angelina holds a Ph.D. in Social Policy, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; M.A Rural Development and BSc. Horticulture both from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania; Advanced Diploma in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Right, Lund University, Sweden and Diploma in Peace Building and Conflict Management from LECIA, University of Accra, Ghana.